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Review: Wow, no thank you by Samantha Irby 

Book Title: Wow, no thank you Author: Samantha Ibry Genre: Comedy/personal essays  Review: Wow, no thank you is one of the funniest books I have read in a long time! Samantha’s hilarious but ultimately vulnerable and earnest essays about her life made me laugh out loud while reading. She writes about living with a chronic health condition, what it’s like to have a partner who already has children and settling down in small-town America. This book is Samantha’s third book of essays, after “Meaty” and “We are never meeting in real life”  Her writing style really feels like she is speaking directly to you, and capitalization is used to humorous effect throughout the whole book.  If you enjoy comedians who do self-deprecating humor you will love this book.  I give this book 4/5 stars.  You can purchase this book on Amazon: 
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